Saturday, December 12, 2020

History program at Mishkan Israel

 Picture above is of Rabbi Brockman, retired from Congregation Mishkan Israel from New Haven CT taken just a few hours ago.   I know his mouth is open; that's because he is talking about early members of the congregation probably in the 19th century.  He talked about Maier Zunder though didn't mention his name but talked about his role in the Board of Education and the school prayer controversy.  I know he read the article I wrote about it!  After the program he wrote me and said that he did mention his name but it had been edited out.  It was nice to have contact with him.

Tonight's program was to make the 180th Anniversary of the congregation.  Five years ago, they had a whole weekend of events to mark the 175th Anniversary.  Dennis and I traveled to New Haven and participated.  I was part of a Saturday program of descendants of the 19th century Mishkan Israel families.  Which I am.  Fun.

Afterwards, I had to get on the phone and hash the whole event out with my cousin Mary Ann and her friend Betsy (who appeared).  Quite the big deal!  We had lots to say!

Picture shows part of the beautiful blue stained glass windows and the torahs.  Had to be done in the main sanctuary.

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