Sunday, December 13, 2020

We did end up having Latkes

 I'm trying to go easy on the scheduling with COVID, Ilana, etc.  But today Susanna decided to make latkes and bring them over.  I took all the apples I had and made some homemade applesauce.  So, close to the appointed hour, Naomi came over from Susanna's and delivered some bento boxes of latkes and I sent back a bento box of applesauce and a bottle of sparkling cider.

Remember the bento box purchase for Thanksgiving.  Getting use, so far they are handy.

Here's Dennis, waiting eat is latkes and applesauce with the menorah lit with the old fashioned candles.

Naomi's dealing with a furnace that's not working.  Supposedly it was inspected before she moved in but ya know how it goes.

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