Tuesday, December 8, 2020

1978 - Times gone by

 1978 doesn't seem so long ago, except it's 42 years ago!  Yikes.  We have a little 1970s binder of pictures.  We were in that back bedroom and looking at the pics.  So, to write a blog, just pick the one that appeals to you, doesn't have to be important, it's the pull that's important.  Maybe you can figure out why later.  

I know who the people are, maybe it was one of the times that Victoria came to the Santa Cruz Mountains, probably Jim and Lanaya's Two Bar place.  Dennis must be taking the picture.  Of his wife (that's me, I'm 26), his sister, parents and dog.  I'm on the far right, with my dog Winnie.  Looking pretty good considering.  Victoria on the left.  Dennis' now late parents, Jim and Lanaya in back.  They loved moving to new places.  Something that Dennis and I don't share.  As we've been living in this house for more than 32 years.

Thing looked bright for everybody on that day.

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