Sunday, November 29, 2020

Making wreaths

 Yesterday, Dennis and I went out to my friend Kolette's place in an out of the way place in Snohomish County.  Usually a number of us go out and make wreaths using the clippings of her wonderful assortment of evergreen trees and bushes.  But COVID etc and it was just us during the afternoon anyway.  Kolette thought it might be a far way to walk.  Actually it wasn't but she insisted that I ride in the tractor.  She got it out and I realized that *I* had to drive it.  Which I did.  Crazy!  We picked out some clippings and she got me started on the wreath.  It was so nice and peaceful so Dennis and I went on to build the wreath.  I'm one of those people who just stuff whatever in and am completely pleased that it looks rather wreath-like.  We finished the whole thing.

Nice time, great weather, we got it done and I survived the tractor.

Thanks Kolette!

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