Sunday, November 22, 2020

Lothar's 'death certificate'

from Auschwitz

 I got a large .pdf from Adreas Hofer (son of Reinhard Hofar, who I've worked with).  From Germany, works with genealogy people like me.  He's taking over some of his father's clients; has a specialty in the Holocaust.  He's so smart; he found out all this information, sent it to me for free, saying that he will charge going forward for explanation and translation.  So, of course, I have questions and Google Translate can only get you so far especially when the form itself if hard to read.

I spent most all afternoon going through it.  Much of it towards the end was correspondence between another relative Peter W. in Regina and the Red Cross, which maintained a missing person tracing service.  I'm in touch with Peter and he has been very helpful. He might come if and when we have the laying of the Stolperstein in Amsterdam.

I pick this one to feature.  It's kind of a death certificate from Auschwitz.  For Lothar Barumann.  I've asked Adreas for translation and help with this one.  It shows him in the custody of a Dr. Mayer in Auschwitz with the cause of death listed as 'heart failure.'  He was in Auschwitz for a few months before he died.  I wonder if this is standard language they sent for everybody; I don't want it to be anything special.  He was only 16 years old at the time of his death.

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