Friday, March 28, 2014

Photoessay #2886 - Go Big or Go Home!

Props to tenth grader Maya Sterling of my extended family who successfully put on a full strength fund-raising auction to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

"Go Big or Go Home" was her slogan and, having met Maya when she was just nine years old, I am not surprised at all that she put on a fund-raising auction all by herself.  In ninth grade, they talked about how they could make a difference by working in the community.  As a project in tenth grade she decided to put on this auction to benefit research the disease that had taken both of her grandfathers (including Dan Beittel who I knew all my life and still miss).

I think the advisers encouraged her to have a smaller event, maybe something after school that the students could attend.  From the story I heard she replied "No, I think I can raise more money this way." 

I can just hear her saying that.

Her aunt had told me about it and suggested Maya could use some contributions for reserving the venue, etc.  Turns out she had enough money, so I donated $100 to the Leukema and Lymphoma Society.  That entitled me to be a Silver Level sponsor.  Such a deal!

She got the jazz band to play and pulled the whole thing off.  You can see the results from her thank you note to me.  90 people came (including the County Executive!), they auctioned 104 items and raised $7323.

Not bad for a tenth grader.  That girl is bound for great things!

Above: picture of the front of the program and Maya's note to me.

Below: A picture of the County Executive (!) Isiah Leggett.

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