Monday, January 20, 2014

Photoessay #2843 - I need a bookcase

This is what is piled up behind my desk.  The bill boxes hold snapshots separated by years.  Which I intend (one of these days)  to make photo albums for my kids.  And all of these books which I have in anticipation for working further on the Maier Zuunder paper.

Should I be presenting it in April.  They were supposed to have the program meeting yesterday.  No news is not necessarily good news.

But I need a bookshelf or something in here.  And help may be on the way.  Dennis is intending to reorganize some of the things in this room. 

Should we eventually the printer-of-whom-we-do-not-speak.  Dennis bought an Okidata printer last summer which stopped working.  Much confusion has ensued.  I'm now on it.  Getting the printer guy to give us back our printer (he doesn't return his calls).  Pounding on Okidata to give us a new printer.  Never mind.

But Dennis is going to move the printer to a new place, get rid of seventies-orange cart it's on.  We could move the bookcase upstairs that we are not using.

It could happen.

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