Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Photoessay #2844 - New bookcase

I have the new bookcase already!  Usually I have to wait months and years for these things to happen.  Of course, it's not a new bookshelf, it's from upstairs.  And from my parent's house before that.  But Dennis moved the printer, the orange cart is shoved aside and I filled it up mostly with books from UW library.

I still have not heard if I will be presenting Maier Zunder.  I wonder if they are asking their first choices first.  I dunno.  If so, I intend to go through my sources again and tighten up the paper.  I've learned a few things in these last three years.  That's why so many library books.

And I dumped my Target stock today; I had just bought it in November.  But just too much bad publicity.  Took my loss.

Everything else holding steady.....

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