Sunday, January 19, 2014

Photoessay #2852 - Twelfth man

That's the big thing in this town today.  The Seattle Seahawks playing the NFC Championship.  The game is about to start.  There's this deal; maybe they have it in other towns.

The Twelfth Man.  The Fan.  The extra player on the field.  All kinds of "12" flags flying.  A building downtown did their lights in a 12 design.  It's a big deal.  People have been wearing '12's and Seahawk gear all around town.  They even have rallies where Dennis works.

I sometimes follow college football.  But not professional.  But it's all bad for their heads.  We've gotten rid of cable TV and, with the wind blowing, last time we couldn't even get the local channel.

But I could watch some it this time.  I guess.

Edit:  Seattle wins in an exciting game....

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