Thursday, January 2, 2014

Photoessay #2835 - More talented relatives

Yesterday I put my cousin's 15 year old niece on who is single-handedly putting on a gala fund-raising event.  But I felt a little uncomfortable putting it up without speaking to her family which I have not gotten around to doing today.

So how about another?  Ken Rosenburg (brother of Flash Rosenburg) at the Whale Marching Band at Christiana shopping mall in Newark, Delaware.  My second cousin.  He has been in a band called Whale (or similar) since his college days in the 1970s.  But there's another version, the Whale Marching Band which, back then started playing at the local mall at xmas time.  It's become a tradition with old and new members and anybody else who would like to play included.  They march in the mall; it looks like tons of fun.

And who's the guy in the red plaid shirt and the funny hat playing the drum?  That's Ken who leads the band!  Check them out on the local NBC affiliate.

Looks like a lot of fun and they're famous too.

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