Friday, January 3, 2014

Photoessay #2836 - B plus

Not too shabby.  I'm an access student at the UW.  If you are 60 or over, you can take most classes at the UW for hardly any tuition ($5 plus technology fee).  You get tons of benefits; even Interlibrary Loan.  This is my seventh straight quarter.  I still exclaim "I can't believe they let me do this!"

Last quarter I took an upper level class in a discipline I knew nothing about.  The prof warned me there would be a lot of theory involved.  I talked my way in.  Landscape Archaeology.  The role of an access student depends on the professor.  Sometimes, you have to just show up and keep your mouth shut.  You are not paying tuition so technicially the faculty are not being paid to evaluate your work.  The class was small (14)  and this professor said "This is the deal; you are a student just like everybody else," which I interpreted that I would be responsible for all the work.

OK, I thought, I'll do it.  So I did all the reading, the discussion topics (my downfall, I just could not get it), the written quizzes, the presentation, the final essay.  So much reading, I killed a whole cartridge thingie on our printer. 

At the end, the professor awards me a B+.  Unofficially, of course, I get no credit.

Not too shabby, not at all.  I hold my head high.

Classes for winter quarter start next week.

This is a huge benefit of not working a day job....

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