Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Photoessay #2833 - Wedding planning

Most of the wedding party gathered at the venue in preparation for Ilana and Matt's wedding in June.  Bride and groom in the center.  You can see that we have height variations in this wedding party but it's all going be just fine.  The venue is pretty; they put on all kinds of weddings/dances/parties/proms all the time.  So what's special to you is routine for them.  Which is just how you want it.

On the ship canal with the railroad bridge in the background.  Sounds odd but it's very Seattle distinctive.  Right next to the Locks.

It will all be fine.  Susanna and Megan supposed to come over and make dinner; they'll show up presently.  Our plans are to go to my friend Anne's for her annual small New Years Eve party.

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