Saturday, December 14, 2013

Photoessay #2816 - Trip to Glendora?

I was born at a hospital in Pasadena in 1952; my parents bought their first house in Glendora (a community in the San Gabriel Valley) in 1954.  Previously they lived in Duarte or Monrovia (might be the same place).  They only lived there a few years before selling it and moving north to Sacramento where I grew up.

Interesting note - My perception of my childhood as geographically stable is somewhat misleading.  My brother, sister and I graduated from different high schools in different cities.  Me in Sacramento; my brother in Santa Ana (North Tustin) and my sister in Rockford, IL.

So I don't have too many clear memories as I was so young though my mother told stories.  But she didn't live there too long herself.  So is it important?  I've been pondering that question.

Looking on Google Earth, I'm surprised at how quiet and sleepy the neighborhood looks.  How the views of the mountains are unobscured.  This picture, taken from Google Earth, shows the Glendora Historical Society just a few blocks from my family's old house.

OK, you've heard this all before.

We have some credit on Southwest Airlines.  Not a lot, a few hundred dollars.  Expires end of February.  I'm thinking of a weekend trip to the San Gabriel Valley; to Glendora, the Historical Society, look for some orange groves.  Maybe warm up a little.  Maybe even meetup with my third cousin Jon T. if it's convenient.  You know, the guy from the movies. 

A Friday through Monday long weekend?

I pitched Dennis.  He was not too thrilled about it.  Busy at work, socal sucks, he doesn't care about warm. But he got used to it.  He knew resistance was futile. The San Gabriel Valley?  Why not the San Gabriel Valley?  We could go on a little trip, usually he enjoys my crazy trips.

We could do it.

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