Friday, December 13, 2013

Photoessay #2815 - Saving my swim class!

I've been attending a late evening deep water aerobics class at my local pool for so many years.

Now they want to cancel it!  What!

No!  It works out so well for me.  I used to attend it year ago when my kids were small, it would be so great; class runs from 8:30-9:30 and when I got home, the kids would be in bed.  I loved it!

About 7 or 8 years ago, I decided to return and have been there ever since.  Like everybody else, well maybe a little more than everybody else, I'm limited what I can do.  And this class really gives a no impact workout with good core exercises.  It's really at the only practical time I have to attend.

As my friend in the class, Julia says "What's the best exercise?" "One you will  do!"

I'm doing the rabble-rousing.  I made up a petition which we signed.  I had my doctor write a letter, I filled out a 'your opinion counts' feedback sheet.  I've encouraged other class members to do the same.   I will start the emails and phone calls.  I tried to talk to the Aquatics director when I delivered the petition this morning.

I just put a comment on their Facebook page

Here's a picture of the pool; not fancy.  Here just about all pools are inside; not like the California of my youth.

Hey, if anybody would like to put a shout out to the people running the aquatics program, maybe drop an email to about it.  Or put a comment on their Facebook Page.

Maybe, they'll reconsider if they get a lot of pushback about cancelling that class.


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