Sunday, December 8, 2013

Photoessay #2810 - Flash scarf

My wonderful and talented cousin Flash Rosenburg has designed a scarf based on her cartooning.  She's offering it for sale; it's a benefit for ... not sure... a women's cause.

What choice do I have, I must purchase one.  Silk.  Comes in rose and white.  Even though I know that the white one would be more practical, I'm so drawn to the rose so I bought that one..

You should too!

I'm such a Flash fan; I admit it!  Everything she does is nominaly fabulous.  She is a artist-in-residence at the New York Public Library; an artist, cartoonist and performer.

She hosted a high-spirited Cousin Extravaganza last January in her Manhattan apartment including her mom, aunt, sister, niece, my cousin, me, my husband, I don't remember who-all.  She took us all around, very heady from those of us from the sticks.

Original tiny picture not so great so I took this picture of Flash from the New York Social Diary, used without permission.

1 comment:

Ilana said...

I totally want one!