Monday, December 9, 2013

Photoessay #2811 - King County but no Ellensburg

We originally planned to go to Ellensburg this evening for the reception at the Dean's house for the returning students from Macau.  It looked awfully nice.  But the weather has been so cold.  The pass the pass the pass.  We don't want to get stuck on the pass.  It would mean 5 hours of driving, mostly in the dark over the pass.  Where it's very cold and lightly snowing.  Dennis complains about how it's hard to see to drive at night.  That pass can be very treacherous.  Plus it was supposed to snow here.  He finally agreed that it was not smart to do this.  So we didn't go.

In preparation for many doing it, I caught a ride with a friend to do court support down at King County Juvenile Court.  But somehow we had both signed up to do cases in the morning and afternoon sessions.  And since we didn't go to Ellensburg that left me there all day.  Court support means you go with a parent to support them in court.  You don't do anything in particular other than keep them company and record what happens.  If you are allowed and, these days, you almost always are, you go in the court and quietly sit in the back.  Sometimes other things come up.  Today, there was an announcement of a name that might be an older kid that the parent believes is a bad influence.  Was it the same guy?  I volunteered to go into that session to see what I could find out.  Not clear if it's the same kid.

So I was there from 8:30 until 4:30 and, in general, things worked out in both of these cases.  Both were At Risk Youth petitions.  Courtoom sort of looks like this.

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