Saturday, December 7, 2013

Photoessay #2809 - Honey it's cold out there

Whew, it's cold here in Seattle.  It's been sub-freezing all week.  Chilly.  It's gotten colder, today in the 20s.  We were out last night.  We've gotten into this habit, must eat mole or similar at La Raza, a tiny place in a strip mall in Lynwood every weekend.  This place has completely ruined us for mexican food anywhere else. Place seats about 14 at tables and then some seats at the bar where you can watch them cook.  And the blaring soccer game in Spanish, natch.   Everything from scratch. I heard they were catering on Saturday so we went last night.  No mole sauce, he doesn't make it every week.  Their chile rellenos do make an exceptional meal.  Then onto Costco, we live an exciting life.  I was so cold when I got home.

So, since I don't have to go out there really, I'm not.  Though it might crest 30 and the forecast looks for warmer temps.  Naomi went over the pass to Ellensburg this morning.  Pass bare and dry, temp 2 degrees.  She made it fine.  They're planning a reception at the Dean of Education's house on Monday to honor the students who did the Macau trip.  I'm not wild about crossing the pass twice in one day in December.  Plus we just found out it's at 5 rather than 7.  Dennis is determined to go.

This picture ran on the front page of the Seattle Times this morning.  A fountain in South Lake Union.  Ken Lambert photographer, used without permission.  Grease marks courtesy of ourselves.

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