Monday, October 7, 2013

Photoessay #2559 - My class this quarter

My UW class this quarter is Landscape of Archaeology.  Or the Archaeology of Landscape.  Or similar.  An upper class archaeology seminar type class that I talked my way into.

So I went the first class, then I missed the next two classes.  The reading so far has been brutal but I've kept up with it.  It's been hard theoretical type stuff.  Takes hours.

But today after returning to the class, I'm really happy with it.  We're supposed to post discussion topics on these theory papers.   Not easy.  The first few times, well, I didn't pass muster.  But the last time I did.   The professor either blesses them or not.  The last time I got it; barely but I did.

The class is on the fourth floor of Denny Hall.  I think it's the oldest building on campus.  I like the room.  I like the professor.  There's 15 people in the class and today's class was reasonable lively.  I felt I understood what was going on.  He treats access students with full participation.  I agreed to do the project presentation.  He pairs people up and my partner, a young woman who just delcared as an archaeology major today seemed open and interested.  The professor promises that we're near the end of the really heavy reading.

I got some answers right today during class.  He had a short writing session in class today based on the reading that he's going to grade.  I think I did ok.

What's not to like here?

In class today, I was thinking how fortunate I was, in this interesting class in this wonderful space.

Picture taken from the UW digital archaeoly lab web page.  This is more processual, I would imagine, using digital techniques to measure or plot or something.  I'm finding the more post-processual techniques more interesting.  More proof that I'm not really a left-brained person.

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