Friday, December 21, 2012

Phtoessay #2835 - Clean Fridge!

When Susanna cleans something, it's clean when she's done with it.  As opposed for the rest of the cleaning challenged members of this family (of which I'm queen). q

Yesterday she decided that my refrigerator was pretty woeful, which it was.  She decided she would clean it out.  She's great at this sort of work when she's got a mind to do it.  But don't interfere!

So she cleaned my fridge, reorganized everything with the requisite editorial comments. It looks great!  I really appreciate it; it was a generous gift from Susanna.  I tried to get her to pose but she wouldn't.

Of course i don't know where anything is any more.

But I do appreciate we descend into the xmas will be done by next Wednesday, keep that in mind!

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