Monday, December 31, 2012

Photoeesay #2846 - Significant 2012 happening?

So, New Years eve 2012.Time for a little reflection.  Been a busy holiday season (still going on).  I'm always in denial about it.  Nothing much is going to happen, I tell myself and everybody else.  No big deal.  But every year it's exhausting due to large size of family, two birthdays in the last half of December.  Huge influx of holiday goodies that just seem to appear (no! no! back!  mmmm these taste so good).

I think, ok, no more pot luck items to prepare, no wait, I'm supposed to bring something to the New Year's Eve party tonight.  I have to have something for the Changes Pot Luck on Wednesday, plus Inner Circle on Thursday and Genealogy Pot Luck also on Thursday.  How about a whole bunch of carrot salad?

But clearly, for me, the higlight of the year has been the publication of my writing.  Especially, the publication in Connceticut History of my Devotional Exercise paper.  Academic, peer-reviewed, oh yeah, validation, didn't think I could do it.  Part of it is kismet.  I did not know that they had a "Religion and politics in Connecticut" theme.  Perfect, yeah.  I'm sure that people in this academic organization know each other.  I come forward, nobody knows me, no advanced degree, no faculty position, some lady from Washington State writing about her Grandpa (kiss of death).  But the stars aligned and there it was.

Repeat of picture from the December 3rd entry

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