Saturday, August 4, 2012

Photoessay #2098 - Heat wave!

Only in Seattle, would a heat alert come out of the Weather Service when the forecast is for 85 degrees.  It's going to be SO hot, everybody be so careful during this dangerous heat wave.  The rest of the country must be laughing.  We could experience the hottest days of the summer.  OK, I admit it, tomorrow it's supposed to be 90 degrees.

Very few homes here are air-conditioned.  I think I know one.  You just don't need it.  I have a lot of trees on the west side of my house which keeps the house cool.  Sometimes we have a box fan that we might use in our bedroom at night.  That's about it.  It can rain a lot.  I have not watered my backyard at all this year and it still is very green.  Rhodies, ferns, big trees, etc.

Today we are going out to Cottage Lake (east of here, kind of in the foothills, still very forested) to the Changes picnic.  I'm supposed to bring a salad.  I went to the grocery store and they were selling half flats of mixed local rapsberries, blueberries, blackberries.  Yeah, I'm bringing that.  Easy.  Summer bounty and all that.  We think we might bring Teddy with us.  You know his life theme.  "I'm Teddy and I love EVERYBODY and I'm just sure that everybody loves me."

I haven't been to this park for a long time (maybe ever?) but it's where Naomi works at the Northshore Y outdoor day camp.

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