Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Photoessay #2091 - Charl's pictures

My brother, Charlie, besides being a biochemist is an artist. He does beautiful stained glass work that I have featured on this blog but he also loves doing photography. On his recent visit, he left me with some of his latest pictures.

He especially enjoys doing micro work, photographing very small things especially flowers.  He has a technique, photo-stacking, where you take a number of photos at different focus points.  Then some software somehow combines the pictures so there can be focused on all points of the image.

He found this weed or nettle somewhere on his travels.  He founds that he can physically put a black background to emphasize the structure of the plant, it's curves and structures, thorns and color.  This can result in some stunning shots of things that are always around us.

I think it appeals to me because I often think of a small space of ground and marvel all of the diversity and complexity in that little piece of earth.  Don't even think of all the little bugs and other invertebrates that you can't see.  You don't want to know.

But this weed certainly has its own grandeur.  Curves and movement.  "So much is going on here", Charl commented.

Remember that picture of our clean garage I posted yesterday?  Consider that historical.  Susanna and Megan are storing their stuff in my newly cleaned out garage in preparation for their trip to Birmingham, Alabama.

 I'll feature some more of Charl's beautiful images.

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