Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Photoessay #2090 - Clean garage

Susanna's working on her quest to split town and go to Alabama.  Never thought I would say that.  But, one of her goals, with her garage sale was to clean out our garage.  With the intention of storing her stuff, well yes,

As I mentioned before just the potentiality of space in a garage exerts an inexorable pull on other stuff to fill it.  Nature abhors a vacuum.

But take a look at our garage, it's probably never been this clean.  Just possibly, we could put a car in it.

Thanks to everybody who participated in the successful garage sale!


Matthew said...

looks amazing, Sandy! Very impressive!

azure said...

That picture taken yesterday morning has become historical. Large amount of Susanna/Megan items filling it up. Nature abhors a vacuum