Thursday, July 19, 2012

Photoessay #2092 - My Access Class

Today was the first day of my UW class, American Religion, that I'm taking as an Access Student.  If you are 60 or over, you can take many regular UW classes as an audit student.  Supposedly you are not supposed to take the exams, write the papers or participate in class discussions.  But it's up to the teacher.

First time I've tried it.  12 people in the class, 4 are Access Students.  The teacher made if very clear that Access Students could participate in the class discussions.  Today was an introduction, talking in general.  Teacher is lively, maybe a bit irreverant.  Very interesting discussions, everybody participated (almost). 

I think this will be a lot of fun if I can make it to the U 4 mornings a week.

Spent over three mind-numbing hours incorporating my brother's revisions into our new joint writing project.

Picture of older students used without permission from somewhere.

Susanna and Megan will leave tomorrow for Alabama...

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