Friday, July 6, 2012

Photoessay #2089 - Looking for this journal...

I will certainly give it a try this summer to publish my devotional exercises paper. Still needs more work. I am taking a writing workshop class starting next week and maybe I can use parts of this paper as my workshop pieces.

 I did get it back from my teacher and he was encouraging. Not that he answers my emails.

 It looks like, with academic articles, that you can't do simultaneous submission as much. There is a journal "Connecticut History" which might be the right place. But I want to see a few issues first. But they don't have it at UW. I'm trying to sneak in just one more Interlibrary Loan Request.

But does anybody own there in internet land have any idea how I could get a look at a few issues of "Connecticut History'. And also "Connecticut Explored"?

I would be so grateful!

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