Thursday, July 5, 2012

Photoessay #2088 - Old Rocker

Many years ago, my husband's parents gave us a civil era rocker which they may or may not have been in the family for a long time. They had had it re-upholstered but the fabric gave out almost immediately (we did have 4 young kids and people were in our living room all the time). So we did the usual thing, we put it in our garage where it's been covered with junk for a very long time.

So, time to make a decision. Sell it or let Susanna sell it...or fix it up. I cleared all the stuff off of it and sat down. Hey, it's very comfortable, like the way it supports my back. Even though it takes up a lot of space, I think I want to fix it up. I know it will likely cost some big dollars but we should either pay up and find a place to fix it or get rid of it. So I've got some feelers out. We are NOT to-it-yourself folks.

Susanna's school has not made it easy for her all the way along. And, despite financial aid's assurance that there's always money for graduate students, the only thing they are offering for the year is an unsubsidized student load of 1/3 of the tuition. That's it! And this is the bloated 2012 edition of out of state fees which approach the cost of a private college. I think there are some other student loans with heaven knows what terrible terms.

You think the bubble is bursting??

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