Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Photoessay #2087 - Sandy in 1971

19 years old.  Taken by long ago boyfriend Steve W

Why this and why now? Susanna will soon depart for Birmingham Alabama to go to grad school and she's under-capitalized.  She's holding a garage sale July 14, 15 at our house.  Come and help her buy her textbooks!

The garage sale is of our stuff.  And we do have a mighty amount.  We've lived here 25 years with 4 kids and grandparents dropping off boxes of stuff in the past.  Someday, we might want to move and that means getting rid of lots and lots of things from who knows when.  Where did that even come from?  Do we still have that?  That doesn't even look familiar.  You know what it is?

So everything's all torn apart.  And really, the stuff should go to Goodwill at the end.

So old pictures see the light of day.  Including this one.  hahaha long ago and far away.

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