Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Photoessay #2088 - Savery Hall

This morning when I walked into class, I found two of the other Access class members   there.  We chatted away, eventually Jeremiah, one of the 'real' students came by and said the room had changed to Savery Hall.  He escorted us to the new room also on the quad.  We joked that one way to get rid of the old folks was to change the room and not tell them.

The old room in Raitt was pretty sad, in the subbasement with some dirty old windows near the ceiling.  But the windows did open and the ventilation was good.  Rooms were mahogany brown and badly scarred.  But the desks allowed us to have a semi-circle.  I suggested a revolt to maybe get to the coveted beautiful new Paccar Hall right behind Raitt. 

The new room in Savery. Hall s real small but has nice tables.  The windows open onto the quad and you can open them.  Apparently Savery was built in 1920 and has been refurbished.  Only eight people there today, I wonder if we've lost the other students.  If we have all 12, it's going to be tight.

But I love this class, the nearly three hours zip by so fast.  The professor loves discussion and everybody participates.  Today was our fourth class session and I'm completely sold.  Right now we're using the book Albion's Seed about seventeenth century English migrations; Puritan, Anglican cavalier (to Virginia), Quakers (to Pennsylvania), Scotch-Irish to the back country.  Fascinating, love the book, love the ideas.  Though Jeremiah intoned in a low voice "you could kill a man with this book."  It's heavy and thick.

Plus, get this, Professor W is interested in my devotional exercises paper.  He wants to see it.  Oh YEAH.  So I'm working real hard on another revision and I'll send it to him, I hope today.

After fooling around with different parking options, I've decided to park a car at the Town Center and take the 372 bus  to the campus.  Works great.  Easy.  It's great not to have to fuss with a car.

You get the idea that I like this Access Student thing?

Also had my critique of my Ghost Positive paper at my summer writing workshop at Edmonds CC.  Well received, but the classmates presented some significant challenges.  I will also send the teacher's comments to Charl.

My friend teases me, only you Sandy, would be writing about a 1989 AIDS lab and an 1878 devotional exercise controversy.

I'm definitely happening with this reading and writing thing.  It may go nowhere but I'm busy at it.

Picture of Savery Hall

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