Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Photoessay #2087 - Danny came by

Danny came by during Susanna's garage sale (whenever that was) in general support.  He put a contribution in the tip jar.  Declined to buy any of our precious belongings (smart man).  He was on his way to work.

Including all of the contributions to the tip jar, Susanna made over $1000.  She just didn't sit here, she put pictures and specific items up on Craigs List, people came over looking for things.  She sold both of Dennis' old film cameras with all of their accessories.

She's now in Denver visiting. 

I officially registered as an Access Student today in my American Religion Class.  Interesting, fun.  Lots of discussion.  So far, a great deal.

Just had a huge break through about my bibliography for my devotional exercise paper.  My HIV lab paper will be workshopped tonight.  I'm a little worried that I'm going to get all of these reagents and pipettes pipettes thrown back in my face.  I've tried to cut some of the mind-numbing detail.  I'm sure that that won't happen.  But it is a different sort of piece.

Danny with two of his sisters at the garage sales

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