Thursday, July 26, 2012

Photoessay #2089 - Bird picture from Charl

I saw this series of pictures of a water bird (what kind?) as separate pictures.  Charl has combined them and I really like the result.  These lovely shots really need to be nicely printed and framed.

My poor Inner Circle group got sadly fragmented today.  Sarah and I were at an outside table.  Meanwhile April and Karen are at an inside table.  Both groups were looking for the other.  I didn't find the other group until the very end.  We've got to be more careful!

My American Religion class today was entertaining and interesting as usual.  At the end, the professor said, "In the summer when things are more informal, if you would like to come to lunch with me after class, you are welcome."  So, what the heck, I and two other students took him up on it.  Very fun.

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