Sunday, July 1, 2012

Photoessay #2084 - Visit with Sue

We are safely home. Today, we all worked really hard on shoveling around many many items so that Susanna and Megan can have a garage sale with the proceeds helping them fund their way to Birmingham. In the 1970s and 1980s, I saved lots of items from the time thinking that I would find them very interesting in the future. I had Naomi pull out all those boxes which have been living under our stairs. Turns out I wasn't interested at all with all of that junk and I tossed almost all of it. I had lots of letters from people that I didn't even remember. Who's Kammy? Who knows? I pitched almost all of it. Whew, was all of that dusty? We have a whole giant pile of stuff covered with plastic (of course because it RAINS all of the time which is just trash and junk which we will have hauled away. We visited Sue B on the last day of our trip. I'll feature a picture of she and I in her back yard. We had just come back from a long walk around Terra Linda. She talked a lot of about her recent activities. She's just completed a term chairing a large group about aging in Marin County including writing policy papers and speaking. Sounds like she did a good job. We yacked and yacked so much during our 24 hours there that we never did talk to her adult children who I consider my cousins. You can tell that we were having a great time.

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