Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photoessay #2083 - On our way back home

I know, I missed a day.  Yesterday we traveled from Kit Carson to Volcano, our favorite mother lode town, where we remembered a wonderful cheeseburger in an oven from dated from that time.  Then we took one of those long windy confusing gold country roads up through who knows where and eventually ended up in Sutter Creek.  Across the valley and around Suisun Bay into Marin Country to visit Sue B.  Age 85 and going real strong.  We sat up and talked until almost midnight.  Got up and kept it up until we left for the Oakland Airport around 2pm. Where we are waiting now.

So no time for me to write an entry.

I'll feature a picture taken from the other day of the boating component of our vacation.  Neither of use felt like we could paddle a canoe so we rented a motor boat for two hours and noodled around Silver Lake.  I particularly liked when we would turn the motor off and we just floated quietly around.  More rocks to watch out for this year as the lake was significantly lower.  Last year, the irrigation district people were letting water out of the dam like crazy.

Fun though, being back on lake...

California, as usual looking beautiful to me, I still feel like a California girl.

One fun thing was to get Sue to talk about her New Haven upbringing.  As often is the case, the more you talk you more, the more you remember.

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