Thursday, June 28, 2012

Photoessay #2082 - Hiking

I have some great pictures from yesterday’s boating trip on Silver Lake but I’ll skip that for now.

Instead I will feature me a very few hours ago.  My picture yesterday Silver Fork flowing down its granite channel, though beautiful, did not satisfy me..  Mainly because when you are there, you can see several more pools reflecting in the distance.  And you can’t see it in the image from my digital (you can do a lot of stuff but not a SLR) camera.  They disappear.  I need my brother’s camera.  So we decided to hike down again and see if we could do better.  Maybe a little, I’ll post that another day.

We saw many beautiful Sierra wildflowers.  Way more than just two days ago.  We made an attempt at some wildflower shots. I’m sure others have done way better.  But not too bad.  We saw yellow flowers, white and violet daisies, shocking pink and barely pale pink flowers on the trail.

Beautiful weather with that clear bright warm California light that I miss so much those many hundreds of miles north where we live.

We went quite a bit further down the river with it’s magnificent vistas and granite outcroppings.  Dennis took this picture on the way out.   I asked him to take a picture of the river and I walked on a bit ahead.
My first impression of this picture as we are hiking back up to the road is, of course, negative.  OMG, look at that stout woman.  Look how short and wide she is.  Oh!  Oh!

But, instead I choose to embrace my second impression.  Look how she’s trucking up the trail.  That gal is moving.  She’s got her hiking sticks going and she’s not having a bit of trouble.  She’s enjoying the ride, she’s confident, she’s hiking in the Sierra Nevada.  Oh yeah, she hikes, she enjoys, she moves just fine.

And I felt just that way.

Pretty river, too.

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