Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Photoessay #2081 - Silver Fork

Yesterday, we walked down the Silver Fork of the Consumnes River(or is it the American River, I think we are too far south for that). It’s a gentle beautiful hike. I love this spot where the river (much lower than last year meanders across the granite bed. I like this shot but it’s missing the view of a series of pools farther on.

Maybe tomorrow, we will walk down there and see if we can take a better shot. Today, a local guy told me how to get to a hike that leads you up Squawk Creek to a waterfall. So we took the car and took a fork in the road and road up to a parking lot just like he said. To a chained gate just as he said. Through an abandoned scout camp like he said. Which was creepy and kind of weird. We found the stream bed, Which was dry. We found a trail which did meander up a hill but we weren’t going to find a waterfall if there was no water so after awhile we turned around and came home. Had that pungeant dry smell of the Sierra that I remember from my childhood.

We ate in the restaurant last night which we enjoyed. Much of the staff here are young people from Bulgaria. I talked to our waiter who has been here 24 days. I love it, he told me, I love the mountains so this is the perfect place for me. The new owners are upgrading things nicely; it’s looking pretty good.

Note: though it looks like I’m connected because I can update my blog, I’m really not. I have not checked my email and I am out of phone range. For a few more days…

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