Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Photoessay #2080 - Thunder Mountain

The iconic picture at Silver Lake.  Thunder Mountain catching the last rays of the sun in the early evening.  This mountain can turn any number of colors over the course of the day.  I hoped to recreate the illumination of the mountain popping out.

Today, Denniis and I went on a hiked down the Silver Fork of the Consumnes.  Easiest hike around, you just drive down to Hwy 88, cross the road.  A small trail takes you to some great granite potholes lining the river.  Last year, they opened the floodgates of Silver Lake to take some pressure off  af.ter the record snowfall and the river raged.  This year, much quieter.  We figure we hiked about a mile down and a mile back.  The hiking sticks make all the difference for me, it’s like having two extra legs as I have balance issues on uneven territory.  Beautiful views, I’ll have some great pictures tomorrow.

But today, we can have the dying beams of the sun over Thunder Mountain

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