Monday, June 25, 2012

Photoessay #2079 - Sweatshirt and enigmatic hat

We heard the wind  blowing all night. Just like it’s not summer in Seattle, it’s not really summer here this high in the mountains.  Thus, the lower rates this week.  Very quiet right now late Monday  afternoon.  The lady in the little store said that they would start filling up later in the week and through July and August.  Pretty chilly this morning.  I went to the little tiny store to buy some paper napkins, really you hae to bring everything up here that you intend to cook because there’s no grocery store for a LONG way.  I admired somebody’s ‘Kit Carson’ sweatshirt.  I find they only cost $15.  Sold!  I say,  and it felt so good to put it on.

I have my purple Washington hat that I got as part of my past football ushering career.  Now, I am in California. In Seattle, anybody EVERYBODY would know that a purple hat with a gold ‘W’ pertains to the University of Washington.  Where I’ve attended.  And where Ilana graduated.  The biggest university in that whole part of the country.  The biggest employer in the city of Seattle.

Last night at the barbecue, somebody said to me.  “Love the hat, go Wazzou!”  For a moment I was baffled.  Had I  brought by WSU hat (which I do own, I’ve had a kid go there too) instead?  Wazzou refers to Washington State University, the cross-state rival, way to the east in Pullman.  Colors crimson and silver.  I realized that this lady knew it was something  Washington  and took a wrong  guess.  The guy serving the ribs was “Go Wisconsin  Badgers!”  Another wrong guess.

But now in the late afternoon, the winds have subsided, the lake looks choppy but not whitecaps as before.

A picture of me wearing my new sweatshirt and my (enigmatic in California) hat taken on our deck.  The light is so much more extreme here.  I’m so used to that Pacific northwest gray tone.  The lake was all washed out.

So I started messing with the settings on my camera to capture some of the color yet retain the brightness of the California light.  I did go on a walk, probably wouldn’t qualify as a hike, and took a more colorful picture.  Mostly quiet and resting.

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