Monday, June 25, 2012

Photoessday #2078 - High Sierra

Occasional updates during our vacation with limited internet connection

 Ok, I admit to like using that term ‘High Sierra’. That’s what being in a resort at 7300 feet altitude is all about. We’ve arrived safely with the brilliant light and colors that you can never find in the Cascades. But chilly here! I also admit wanting to warm up from the chilly Seattle June. You think it should hit 70 degrees at least occasionally.

We traveled through the rather desolate land south east of Sacramento into the foothills with the golden rolling hills and the majestic oaks. Lunch at a public park in Sutter Creek, a cute town.

 And on into the mountains. Once I get here, I just want to relax and not leave. They did have a fun barbecue dinner outside. We chatted with an older couple who was camping nearby. But mostly we’re here and it’s quiet and beautiful. Picture from a vista point high in the mountains on the way here.

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