Saturday, June 23, 2012

Photoessay #2087 - Sting Rays and Shoes in SoCal

Ilana is at a major library conference in Southern California.  She won the student travel award for business librarians earlier in the year.  So she gets to go even though she already has a job. 

But she had a great Ilana story to open the conference.  Her friend, Emily, picked her up at LAX and they went to Huntington Beach for a little beach time to open the trip.  Emily stepped on something squishy and injured her foot, nasty bleeding.  They went to the exceeding cute lifeguard who became very concerned.  Turns out she stepped on a sting ray.  No kidding!  So the one cute lifeguard decided they needed to go to the main lifeguard station and they got to ride in the cool little car tractor beach thing.  The lifeguards took Emily's foot injury seriously and soaked her foot and did this and that for some time.  Then Ilana realized that she had left her shoes behind.  Somewhere down the long beach lined with identical looking lifeguard towers.  The only shoes she had brought with her.  She said the lifeguards were not at all interested in helping her with her shoe problem, only in treating Emily's wound.  What to do?  I can just see her showing up at the ALA conference barefoot.  So she used forensic abilities and followed the tracks of the beach vehicle way way down the beach and actually found her shoes.  Yay!

Emily offered to get me actual pictures of her sting ray wound for this blog but probably not.

Tomorrow we leave for the high Sierra.  The place has limited maybe no internet so I'm on the fence if I will try to post daily when I'm gone.  Maybe I'll just completely be off the grid.....

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