Monday, July 2, 2012

Photoessay #2085 - More Sierra

We made another attempt to take a picture of the Silver Fork. I was delighted to discover that this is the Silver Fork of the American River. I've reached the limit of my camera, I think. I need my brother's SLR to really take this shot. I did tilt the camera to try to take a better picture showing the pools downstream. Also, beautiful wildflowers there. Many more flowers were blooming just between Tuesday and Thursday. My version of alpine wildflowers. The junk people will be here soon, I think they might just take the whole bunch right now. Fine with me. I know we would probably add to it if we had a few more days. It's all for a good cause For those in the Seattle area, Susanna is having a big garage sale at our house July 14, 15. Her goal: to make enough money to buy her books this semester. Come by and help her out!

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