Thursday, June 21, 2012

Photoessay #2085 - The Minnies

My friend sent me this delightful picture of her two grandaughters.  Cute or what?

They live in Japan.  Isn't little sister so delighted to be part of the game with big sis?  What a wonderful smile.

This family abruptly moved to Seattle after the Japan earthquake and stayed with the grandparents for over six months until the baby was born.  Refugees at the time.  They left almost immediately, just locked up their small apartment in the Tokyo area  and fled.  You can really understand with all of that uncertainty and exploding and leaking nuclear reactors.

But the family looks great now.  All's well that ends well.  Cute baby.  Thanks to my friend who lent me the picture.

This evening, Dennis and I will go out to dinner for our anniversary.  Maybe I should go find something to wear!

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