Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Photoessay #2084 - 36 years

We celebrate our wedding anniversary today, 36 years.  Wow, that sounds like grandma material, wait I am a grandma.

We usually go out to dinner, we're fond of a nice waterfront restaurant in Edmonds nearby.  They have a fixed price limited menu if you come early.  We're planning to do that tomorrow night though Dennis and I both have commitments for the evening.  Dennis is registrar for a soccer tournament that starts Friday.  I'm speaking to the Shoreline parent group about moveouts.

I have a program I often do, based on some hard work and soul-searching in 2001 about minimizing violence in moveouts.  Curtis has a good check list (nuts and bolts, he's an engnineer); I'll use that too.  But I'm going more basic, earlier in the planning process.  What is it and, under what circumstances should you do it.

Not to seem mysterious, a moveout in parent group is when you have an adult child living with you and you decide that you no longer want them to live at your house.  Mostly because you are enabling their bad choices by allowing them to live with you.  It's a big step and you need to prepare carefully.

I got up and found this lovely plant from Dennis.  Nice!  Have I gotten him anything?  No, just made arrangements for the dinner, tomorrow.

Almost forgot to write about the 36 years, it's a long time.  Our entire adulthood, but I have no doubts about the future.  Health willing.  Not a lot of people have marriages of such long duration.  We do, a good thing.  Over the years, I have had several people say to me, looking at Dennis..."You chose wisely", they say.

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