Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Photoessay #2083 - Sandy Senior Portrait 1969

Have I not used this picture before?  Maybe I have.  Picture of myself taken as a high school senior portrait in 1969 in Sacramento California.  You had to sign up for a spot, the collar thing was fake.  How it was done back then.

I used this picture today with my Inner Circle writing group.  I'm just about ready to submit my piece "Person of Color" to Theo Nestor's second anthology of her students' writing "They Came Back to Say."  First it will go to a copywriter.

It first appeared in a slightly different form at outwardlink.net.

I just can't figure out how to end it.  I like the abrupt end but shouldn't it end with me?

I describe this picture of myself, sitting on the yearbook page with my fellow high school seniors.  All white kids.  Really white kids.  And now when I look, I realized that I really didn't look like the other seniors at all.  As I say, there really was an ethnic thing going on here despite my parent's denials.

I have until Friday...then it goes to the copy editor and then Theo.  Launch party September 14 at Third Place Books.

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