Monday, June 18, 2012

Photoessay #2082 - Felt Boards

Long long ago, in a fit of good parenting, I made a set of felt boards with a bunch of felt cut out in shapes in different colors.  I made the boards by gluing felt on squares of cardboard.  Seemed like a good idea at the time, pre-school toys, etc.  But my kids never really used them that much.

They were stuck in a box on a shelf in the coat closet.

Naomi's been collecting materials for her future classroom.  Now, almost all of her classes concern education with time in the classroom.  She did some work last quarter at a pre-school.  I saw the box and offered her my home-made felt boards and shapes collection.

They now live in a pre-school in Ellensburgh and they were a huge  hit.  The kids loved them.  The teachers appreciated them.  Naomi got a lot of brownie points.  I'm so pleased!  Much better there than in a shelf in my closet.

Here's an action shot of a satisfied customer using the product.!

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