Sunday, June 17, 2012

Photoessay #2081 - Rocky beach

Melina and I spent a fair amount of time yesterday afternoon on the rocky beach in front of the family cabin one the shores of Pickering Passage. She likes to look under the rocks and see the little tiny crab looking things scurry around. I think she was eager to go with us even though Danny or Naomi didn't come because she's familiar and has her own favorite things picked out.

 Good thing we went down when we did because the tide soon came in and later when Dennis and Teddy(the dog) went down with her, the tide has come all the way in and no more beach. Teddy decided to swim around in a circle in the water just for the heck of it.

 But today, Teddy's smelly, exhausted and limping. He completely overdid it yesterday chasing balls on all that uneven ground and the rocky beach, swimming, keeping up with Shelby, the other dog, keeping track of everybody, whining when he didn't get to come inside when everybody ate. Today, Naomi bathed him in the bathtub. He's still hobbling around. I'm hoping that a few days rest will heal him up. He's notorious for running up the vet bill. You know what happens when you bring a limping dog to the vet? They refuse to limp, that's what.

 Melina spotted this pretty scarlet moth. I have no idea what it is. But it made some nice contrast on the rocks and wildlife on the shores of this part of Puget Sound. Melina did pick up a particularly handsome oyster shell with violet and taupe highlights.

Also a picture of Melina on the shore. Typical northwest summer afternoon. Gray. Cloudy. People wear jackets. Cold water.

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