Saturday, June 16, 2012

Photoessay #2080 - Bocce Ball on Harstene Island

Today, Teddy (dog), Dennis, Melina (granddaughter) and I went to a picnic at the family cabin on Harstene Island.  Spellings vary.  We went for a gathering with a great potluck of food.  Melina was the only child there but she knew just what she wanted to do, go down the beach and turn over rocks and look for the little crab things, throw the ball for Teddy (and the other dog Shelby).  Eat.

Later Matt brought out some bocce ball (which we didn't know how to play) but we played a family picnic version.  The 'court' we were using was a grassy area adjacent to the cabin.  Very uneven and sloped down and every which way.  Pine branches, tufts of dandelions, roots, pine cones, etc made it rather an extreme sport.  But most everybody played including Melina who played the entire time.  She seemed relaxed and having a good time.

One picture are the players, the other the audience.  I know some people are in both but I took the picture at different times.  Cloudy and a bit cool but pretty good by northwest standards.

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