Friday, June 15, 2012

Photoessay #2079 - Start of classroom library

Naomi wants to start her classroom library.  One teacher said she should have 12000 books.  I think she's an order of magnitude off   Twelve thousand books is a lot of books to shlep around.  Naomi said her goal was to have 100 books by the end of the summer.

She's got twice that number already.  The picture shows around 80 high quality books we purchased yesterday at two different thrift stores for approx $50.  This morning, she went to the warehouse sale at Scholastic down in Auburn and bought 90 new books for $120.  Then today we went to a nearby estate sale for a former mayor (it turned out).  We bought maybe 10 more hardback books for .50 each.  She's particularly interested in subject area reference books.  Elementary maybe early intermediate.

So, if you're reading this and you're in the Seattle area and have some children's books you're willing to part with, let us know!

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