Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Photoessay #2076 - Still more graduation

I resolved that I would not feature
  a. graduation
  b. group shots

for awhile because, really, both are boring unless you are in the picture or were there.

But I couldn't resist.

Last night was Professional and Continuing Education graduation, a huge shadow empire of the University of Washington.  They offer hundreds of year-long certificate programs.  Most are technical or business oriented, but they do offer some arts-oriented; last year I took Writing Memoir; this year geneaology/family history.  Must be a cash-cow as they don't have to pay the professors the same, nor is there a lot of admissions/financial aid/advising/student services overhead.I like so many things about these programs, I love going to the UW, having library and ILL privileges, being in class with other people.

I went to graduation at Kane Hall last year and enjoyed myself.  This year, they held it at Hec Edmunson pavilion (basketball venue).  A lot of people there though the audience seemed smaller because of the large hall.   One wonderful feature last year (though my teacher didn't do it), was when you walked across the stage, the teachers were standing on the edge of the stage to greet you.  Just seemed warm and more complete.  We also didn't really enjoy the small undergraduate size chairs.  We all couldn't lean back at the same time.  Hot down there on the floor.

We did get to hear the new UW president speak.  One of my teachers, James, did come (marked with the green arrow).  He waved as we walked across the stage.  But,later, we looked and he was gone.  We had been on his case somewhat about attending.  Our group was near the front and afterwards we just had a gay old time chatting it up in our rows on the floor.

It took me a long time to find Dennis and Naomi though I knew they were there.  See them seated up high marked with the brown arrow.

The second shot are the happy graduates of the genealogy/family history program.  About 30 people started, 15 maybe by the end.  Six of us at the graduation.  We waited in line downstairs.  When you saw your class, you were at home.

Look at our smiles, so clear.  We're graduating; it's a celebration.  I saw those same clear smiles last week at my Inner Circle group.  Adults (not so young) really enjoying themselves and happy to be included in a supportive group.

I feel blessed at being able to belong to these wonderful groups.

But that's not the story I was going to tell!  I'm building a Maier Zunder cult!  Of course, my family hears about him.  And you bet I talked him up every single week at class.  All the class members know about Maier.  I also saw Helen who's taking memoir this year.  She and Ann have read and critiqued the entire drafts of my papers.  We're talking 60 pages of text EACH.  All Maier Zunder related.

So I was standing with Helen, Naomi and Dennis finally find me and also with Heidi in my class and her husband.  Heidi says "At we got to learn all about Maier!"  Helen and my family roll their eyes "oh yeah, all about Maier," they mutter.

Imagine...just imagine...your great great granddaughter writing and researching your life and assembling a whole group of people who know all about you at a university in a distant state.


Unknown said...

Looks like it was a great event. Congratulations. I was in Martha's Vinwyard biking, eating and shopping. Had a grat time. Hope to see you at Judy's.

azure said...

at Judy's?