Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Photoessay #2075 - More graduation

More graduation and we're not done yet.  My UW graduation from my certificate program is this evening.  We've had a lot of it recently which isn't a bad thing if you reflect.  Family members graduating are a good thing.

I lent Ilana my camera when she went to Matt's departmental (mechanical engineering) graduation at the University of Washington.  He won a major design award along with some team members for something (who knows).  He didn't know about it, he and his fellow team members were pulled out as they walked in and they sat in front.

First picture taken by Ilana shows Matt receiving his award; the second a nice shot of Matt and Ilana after the ceremony.

His family came and they were determined to do the Whole Thing.  And they did.

We were along for the ride.

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