Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Photoessay #2077 - New library

Here are some pictures of the new library where one of my daughters works. She's been on the job for about a month and things seem to be going fine. So much to learn when entering a professional position with a university.

But a great opportunity for her. I look forward to visiting this library sometime. When? Don't know. We are going to Kit Carson in a few weeks. Great to be off the grid in the high Sierras. No cell phones, there is electricity but not a lot of it, yes we do have indoor plumbing. No TV, no internet. (actually there's a little internet in the lodge so I can blog. But what people like up there is that you can get away for awhile. And nobody (especially work people) can contact you. It's the kind of small place where you can walk up to the lodge and come back with various reports. Even if you don't really know anybody. People, say with satisfaction, yup, I told everybody, don't bother contacting me, I'm out of touch, ahhhhh.

Back to the nice new library, kinda good she started at the beginning of summer, she'll be all up to speed by the beginning of fall semester. I spent a lot of time at the new Business School building at UW; our class was there most of the time. Nice facility! Great rooms. And borrowed a lot of my books from the Foster Library. I don't see another certificate program but I would like to find one because I just love taking them.

Example where I start a post determined to talk about one thing but just need to write about some other things!

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