Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Photoessay #2069 - Teresa graduates

Another girl graduate!  My niece Teresa graduated from high school over the weekend.  My brother attended and my daughter and her boyfriend went to the party afterwards.

In Indiana....

From what I hear, the gown was at least this red.  Picture of the proud graduate flanked by her parents.  Her mom, Pam, is my sister.  Photo taken by my brother Charlie.  High School graduation can often by stressful with one family member or another having some sort of crisis.  But everybody got through it.  She's off to Indiana University in the fall.

We went to a Turkish movie "The Future lasts forever" last night at SIFF.  I have to say it wasn't anything like I expected.  I thought, if I see those main characters sitting around looking glum and dejected one more time, I'm going to slap 'em.  Lighten up!  The terrorists win if you're destroyed.  The subject matter turned out to be persecution in Kurdestan.  I know it's awful and the main character just can't absorb all the misery but surely you can find something to lift your spirits up.

I knew I was in trouble when, in an opening scene, a beautiful noble horse is galloping across the landscape and is gunned down from above, dying a graphic death right in front of you.  A notice at the end said that no animal was harmed in the filming.  It wasn't CGI, Dennis says horses can be trained.  Who would want to train a horse to do that? 

All I've done is train Teddy to carry in groceries.  As I expected, he likes it.  When I come in and tell him that I have GROCERIES for him, he gets all excited as I buckle on his pack.  Before, he had to stay in the back yard when we brought in groceries but now he gets to be part of it!  It's great, he'll tell you.

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